Apple admits some iPhone 5s devices have manufacturing defects

Apple admits some iPhone 5s devices have manufacturing defects

Apple is facing a new issue regarding the battery life of the iPhone 5s. The company has now released a statement to the New York Times, saying that a manufacturing defect has resulted in shortened battery life and longer charging times for the handset. The company has clearly stated that this is affecting a small number of iPhone 5s devices, though. The latest report adds to the long list of problems with the iDevice that the company has been troubleshooting, including a faulty accelerometer, among others.

According to an Apple representative, the company has said, “We recently discovered a manufacturing issue affecting a very limited number of iPhone 5S devices that could cause the battery to take longer to charge or result in reduced battery life. We are reaching out to customers with affected phones and will provide them with a replacement phone.”The company has not given an exact figure of how many iPhones have actually been affected by this. The source, however, suggests that the issue may only be affecting a few thousand users out of the several million sold. The company, at the time of launch, had said that over nine million new iPhones were sold, but did not break down the sales figures any further.

The new iPhone is here

Apple admits to manufacturing defect in some iPhone 5s devices

While there are no details on the manufacturing issue or news about how the company plans to contact affected users, the company has said that it will replace defective iPhone 5s units with proper ones. The new iPhone 5s and the 5c are slated to launch in India on November 1. While the high-end 5s will set you back Rs 54,000, the relatively cheaper 5c will cost Rs 42,000 at launch. The new defect is just one of many issues that users have been complaining about, as far as Apple products recently unveiled go. Soon after the official launch of the new Haswell-powered MacBook Pro series, quite a few irate users turned to Apple’s support forum to complain about a number of issues. From what can be seen, most users are complaining about the new laptops freezing and the keyboard and trackpad being unresponsive. The issue seems to affect users for 10 or 15 minutes at a time, but sometimes needs a manual restart to get around. Apple, so far, has not put out any word about the potential problem or whether it is working on a solution for the same.

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