Enable Right Click on Disabled Websites Or Blogs !!

Hello Geeks today i am gonna provide you a Best trick for all how to enable right click on disabled websites or blogs. 

Some times we experience a situation at which we are strictly not allowed to "right click" we may encounter an error saying "right-click functionality has been disabled" on a particular webpage and alas! we feel really annoyed and the only thing we may be able to is snap shooting it.In this article we are about to learn how to enable right click on restricted sites and bypass the particular restriction.

Most websites who disable right click functionality use Java script to disable right click ,protect content like images and other scripts. Java script is a basic language through which many websites attain good user interface , smoothness in browsing also some get better security and masking capabilities.

How does JAVA script work?
Java script is basically a set of commands defined by the user.When ever web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox,Opera which all supports Java script , abides by the rules defined by the specific website which they open and follows the instructions given by it.So we can simply say our own web browsers work against us (not really).The most basic and simple solution is to disable the support for java script in our browsers.

How to disable Java script :
We have a step by step process on disabling Java script on our web browsers.

Google Chrome:
Click the Google Chrome “menu” button and click on Tools.
Then click on "Settings" and then go to "advanced settings".
We have the Privacy button and under it, click on the button Content settings.
Then at the Java script menu you can see an option saying “Do not allow any site to run JavaScript” select it and click on “Done”.

From the menu bar, click on Tools -> Options.
From the Options window, switch to Content tab, un check the option which says “Enable JavaScript” and click on “OK”.

Following these simple steps by disabling Java script functionality on your web browsers now you can right click on any right click disabled site.

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