Happy B’day Android Phone!

3 years passed after the birth of HTC Dream, (also called as T-Mobile G1) the world’s first commercial Android smartphone!  When it was released in the US on 22 October 2008, neither the carrier T-Mobile nor the manufacturer HTC thought that Android- the little green dude- will make such a big revolution in the mobile world!

Android was conceived by Android Inc., founded in 2003 for developing software for mobile devices. Later, Google surrogated the baby in 2005 and it stayed in the womb of Google for about 5 years. It came into interaction with the mobile world from October 21, under a free and open source software license.  A day later, it was made available to users through HTC Dream on carrier T-Mobile. The release date is globally celebrated as Android birthday!

The OS has evolved consistently with the launch of updated versions, including better features. Interestingly, all updates are christened by names of yummy desserts in alphabetical order!

Android v1.0 Angel Cake

Android v1.1 Battenberg

Android v1.5 Cupcake

Android v1.6 Donut

Android v2.0/v2.1 Éclair

Android v2.2 Froyo

Android v2.3 Gingerbread

Android v3.0/v3.1/v3.2 Honeycomb 

Android v4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Through continuous development and enhancements, the OS has given tough competition to other smartphone platforms including iOS and BlackBerry OS. It has achieved a market share of 36% percent globally (according to Gartner reports). It is gaining high impetus to capture considerable market share in India as well, especially in the high-end handset market. The growth will be driven by the impressive gaming experience, limitless apps made available to users through Android Market, and lowering prices.  ….And hope this journey will go on until Android makes an update by a name starting with Z!!

Celebrating this occasion, Saholic - a Spice Group venture- is offering really attractive discounts for all the Android phones. If you wish to upgrade your existing phone or gift someone with a great phone this Diwali, log on to www.saholic.com and place order for the one you like most! 

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